We have adopted the CII (Chartered Institute of Insurers) Code of Ethics and Conduct as setting the benchmark for the way we conduct our business.
The key values which set the standards for the behaviour of all CII members are:
Behaving with responsibility and integrity in their professional life and taking into account their wider responsibilities to society as a whole. Acting in a courteous, honest and fair manner towards anyone they deal with. Being trustworthy and never putting their interests or the interests of others above the legitimate interests of their stakeholders.
Complying with all relevant Laws (including the laws of the CII) and meeting the requirements of all applicable regulatory authorities, and appropriate codes of practice and codes of conduct.
Demonstrating professional competence and due care including:
a) Meeting the technical and professional standards relating to their level of qualification, role and position of responsibility.
b) Completing their duties with due skill, care and diligence.
Upholding professional standards in all dealings and relationships.
Respecting the confidentiality of information.
Applying objectivity in making professional judgements and in giving opinions and statements, not allowing prejudice or bias or the influence of others to override objectivity.
To view the CII Code of Ethics and Conduct in its entirety visit: